Recently, one of our engineers, Adam Przybilla, went through this training. The first day of class started with an introduction to helicopter safety and escape. The class covered the equipment required for helicopter transportation and the procedures to survive the hazards that can be encountered while taking a helicopter to an offshore installation. Every student wore a full transit survival suit, aviation flight jacket and a re-breather. A helicopter simulator was used to place the student in a position of an over-turned helicopter in the water. The level of difficulty progressed through the six “dunkings”. The last “dunking” involved the helicopter simulator rotating upside-down under water and to escape the student had to push through an emergency exit while engaging and relying on a re-breather.
The knowledge and experienced gained in the three day class prepares our personnel for situations and hazards that are common in the offshore industry. We are prepared and ready to support our offshore customers on a moment’s notice anywhere in the world.