Rugged Controls is a global industry leader in instrumented mooring, sheave and winch systems for offshore rigs, oceanographic research and related support vessels. Rugged Controls provides turnkey solutions for a variety of offshore sheave and winch customers.
For mission-critical towing and workboat operations, our instrumented sheave assemblies can be counted on to deliver the highest level of quality, performance, and reliability.
Sheave assemblies are customized to your application and can be provided with sensors for tension, payout, speed and angles. We can design vertical or horizontal lead sheave assemblies or hanging blocks for EM cable, wire or synthetic ropes.
Individual sheaves can be provided to customers for integration into their levelwinds or existing sheave assemblies. We can also retrofit existing sheave assemblies with force and rotational sensors to enable line parameter viewing.
Rental Vertical Lead Sheave System
- Engineering design services (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, FEA Analysis)
- Rotational sensors
- Tension shackles or load pins
- Software for data-logging and remote viewing
- Wireless options
- Inclinometers for wrap angle compensation
- Local displays